
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Episode 137: "Hogcock & Last Lunch"
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Here it is nerds, the finale to 30 Rock and Go To There. Come on dummies, we can't waste too much time, there's a lot happening here this week!
As Liz starts her new life as a stay-at-home mom, she's quickly thrust back into the world of TGS before the second act can even begin. As Kenneth notifies her that one final episode of TGS must be created of NBC has to pay 30 million dollars to Tracy, will Liz be able to leave the TV world behind?
Elsewhere, Jack is doing well in his new CEO role of Kabletown, and despite reassuring Kenneth he's happy, has accomplishing his dream satisfied him, or is there nowhere else to go for this Alexander of the corporate world?
Back at TGS, Jenna struggles being a non-actor (thereby not getting attention) and seeks out to find her new role in entertainment. Will she also find her new career?
Finally, Tracy is struggling with TGS ending as the family and friends he's made are harder to say goodbye to than he ever expected. Will the gang stay in touch, or will their lives be forever changed after their last goodbye?
It's been an absolute pleasure bring your Go To There every week for the last two-and-a-half years, and we cannot thank you all enough for joining us on this journey with us. This isn't farewell, but simply "goodbye for now..."
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Episode 136: "A Goon's Deed in a Weary World"
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
Tuesday Aug 24, 2021
So shines a podcast episode in a weary world! With only one more episode left, 30 Rock is nearing that finish line, with many of its character's lives changing and stories wrapping up.
As Liz's work world is crashing down around her, with Jack giving her one more chance to save TGS, can she make the magic happen again; all while her adoption is closing at the same time?
Speaking of Jack, in his new role as CEO of Kabletown, his first task is determining the new president of NBC, and despite not having a chocolate factory and indoor boat at his disposable, he's going to "Willy Wonka" his candidates. But when Kenneth takes it too seriously by misunderstanding the idea, will Jack's plan backfire, or will a goon win in the end?
We're at the penultimate episode of 30 Rock and Go To There, so hurry to the airport to grab your chili, it's podcast time!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Episode 135: "Florida"
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Tuesday Aug 17, 2021
Grab your tickets, oranges, and long-sleeve SPF shirts, we're going to Florida, y'all!
As Jack and Liz are invited down to Florida to collect Colleen's final effects, they quickly learn Colleen's live-in nurse may have been just more than a friend. Will Martha's woodworking and "lumpy flowers" help them clue in on the truth?
Meanwhile, back in NY at TGS, Tracy and Jenna are left in charge, and are tasked with running the place, along with learning of a lawsuit out against Kabletown and the show. Needing to do the right thing by doing the wrong thing, can they convince Kenneth to sell out his morals to save their careers and livelihoods?
We're getting closer and closer to 30 Rock's ending, we're finally answering lingering questions and truly feeling like the sunset is upon us. Stay tuned for the final episodes as no amount of "lumpy flower" vases will deter it.
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Episode 134: "Game Over"
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
Tuesday Aug 10, 2021
As we're nearing our finale with every episode. it's end game for many of these long-running plot lines to come to an end; as well as being a series wrap for some characters. It's time for 30 Rock's seasonal corporate intrigue and betrayal!
As Hank Hooper's retirement looms closer, and he lets Jack know that his granddaughter Kaylie will be taking over as Kabletown CEO, Jack's has one last-ditch effort to come out on top. But will he be able to do so with the help of an old rival and fickle actress in his ranks?
Elsewhere, Liz is starting hormone shots to help in her pregnancy woes, but when still considering adoption, she may have to take a new approach and adopt an older child than a newborn, as she's been aiming to do since her search began.
Finally, when Tracy's on the other side of directing and has Octavia Spencer on set for his Harriet Tubman biopic, he soon learns the trials and tribulations he's put Liz Lemon through the last seven years together. Can he do what Liz Lemon would do and save his film, or will Octavia ruin his life and movie?
As we're also nearing "Game Over" at Go To There, join us as we're wrapping up 30 Rock and loving every second of it!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Episode 133: "My Whole Life is Thunder"
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
Tuesday Jul 27, 2021
One wedding a season isn't enough for 30 Rock, as we roll right into another one this week.
As Jenna learns of Liz's marriage from the day before, she is livid and immediately bumps up her surprise wedding even sooner. And when she hears of Liz's award show, Jenna aims to have all of the lights on her, but Liz may very well make those lights too harsh for Jenna if she's nor careful.
Elsewhere, Jack's mother Colleen is in town, but he refuses to give her the attention she seeks; even if it may be their final days together. Will Jack hear what she has to say, or will he turn around and she be one like *SNAP* that?
Finally, Kenneth's still reeling from Hazel losing her job, as well as dumping him, so Tracy aims to help him out. When tries to make Kenneth's life more like the TV world(s) he loves so much, even brining in Florence Henderson, can it help Kenneth, out of his sad spiral?
So hop in your horse-drawn carriage, hitch a ride to the award ceremony, and enjoy the best eulogy ever, on this week's Go To There!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Episode 132: "Mazel Tov, Dummies!"
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Tuesday Jul 20, 2021
Grab your best attire, we're going to a wedding at 30 Rock!
When Criss and Liz see Dennis with an adopted kid after a disappointing pregnancy test result, Liz and Criss have finally had enough waiting and decide marriage may assist in their adoption rates, so head to city hall to tie the knot! But can Liz have her special day without all the traditional/typical special moments, or will she make it special all her own?
Meanwhile, Tracy's next production is looming, and when he actually has to not only listen to the pitches, but get an insurance physical, he soon learns his life is headed somewhere he never expected: to a long, long, end. Can Tracy's existential realization help or hinder his new movie studio?
Finally, when Jenna suddenly learns she's technically now property of a Surge fan who's collected enough points to own her, Jack aims to help her, but in turn destroys her world an his when value is applied via their accomplishments. Will they ever recover them their arbitrary values?
The big day is finally here, Liz is wearing her whitest white, and Criss looks like a little Marzipan candy man in his suit, so let's get married, on this week's Go To There!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Episode 131: "Aunt Phatso vs. Jack Donaghy"
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
Tuesday Jul 13, 2021
What would YOU do to protect your foot babies and save your save show at 30 Rock?
When Liz is in desperate need of bunion surgery, she finally gets the surgery as Hazel steps in to be her go-to assistant, one who surely has no agenda; like getting on TGS to become a breakout star. Will Liz get the recuperation she and her feet need?
Elsewhere, when Jack becomes the butt of many jokes in the African-American community, if forces he and Tracy into a "who's more accomplished" and legal challenge when Jack learns of his likeness being used in Tracy's films. Will Jack perpetuate the stereotype his caricature is made out to be, or will good win out in the end?
Finally, Jenna, still seeking to ensure Hazel has no way into the entertainment business, turns to Kenneth to get him on her side, but will her narcissism and lack of empathy spoiler her chances? Yes, yes they will!
So don't forget to take your tires with you, change your feet bandages every few hours, and most importantly: respect these boobies, on a brand new Go To There!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Episode 130: "There's no 'I' in America"
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Tuesday Jul 06, 2021
Well, well, well, well, well, well, well, well, nope, that's too many "wells", we're going to start over! It's mere hours before the 2012 election at 30 Rock, and we cannot wait any longer to see who Jenna Maroney will endorse.
As Jack Liz prepare to debate for Jenna why their candidates have her best interests at heart, they both may learn from each other in the end; although not very much.
Meanwhile, Kenneth is finally able to vote for the very first time, and his absentee ballot has him learning all about the pros and cons all political choices can have, Will the TGS team be able to save save/demolish his town's clocktower?
Finally, 4 years ago, Pete had an extraordinary moment with a 30 Rock security guard, all because of Obama's election as president, and is eager to reignite that same hope and moment, but fate may not sine on Pete Hornberger on this day...
Who won the 2012 election, was Jenna Maroney the decider in the end, can Pete catch a break? Find out, on this week's Go To There.
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Episode 129: "Unwindulax"
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
Tuesday Jun 22, 2021
It's that time of the week to grab a brew-sky, ka-zap the top, and blinky, blinky, blinky the night away with Go To There!
As Jenna's Jimmy Buffet-esque single has garnered her a new fandom, it's making it a hell for everyone at TGS and 30 Rock; including Jenna herself. When the nerds learn she cannot be the fake, plastic Jenna they know, they set out to ruin her newfound fame to help their sanities.
Meanwhile, with the 2012 election a week away, it's do or die time for Jack, and he tricks Liz to help garner more support , er, money, for Mitt Romney. But will Liz sell her soul for infinite shrimp, or will this Latte Liberal do the right thing?
Finally, when Tracy becomes the greatest mind to understand US politics, it's up to Liz and Jack to utilize him for the best interests of the country... and their political parties
With this set-up, we'll need to stay tuned to next week's episode to see who wins the 2012 election, we cannot wait to see, and we're refusing to check Wikipedia to spoil the answer for ourselves!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!

Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Episode 128: "Stride of Pride"
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
Tuesday Jun 15, 2021
A sexually awoke Liz, a Jack who's questioning his place in the sex world, and old Jenna? Has 30 Rock taken crazy pills? This week's 30 Rock is a wacky trip, so let's get started already!
With Liz's new sexual awakening, she's ready to live her Sex and the City dreams and have brunch and shares/swap sex stories; but no one's having it. Especially not Tracy, who's arguing there are no funny women, only men and monkeys! Will she let him get away with this, and more importantly, will she ever get to brunch?
Meanwhile, Jack's on a walk of shame after spending the night with a pizza heiress, but so learns while he's juggling multiple women, he's being juggled along with some other men and an identity crisis rears its head. Will the Pokemon stay in the PC, or ever come out to play?
Finally, as Jenna's ready to skip the dead zone for women actresses, she starts playing the part of the older actress to further her career, but Liz may overstap and blow the own scheme before it can begin.
So grab your mimosas, gather your best Pokemon, and head upstairs on your motorized wall-climber, it's time to Go To There!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!