Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Episode 127: "Governor Dunston"
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
It's time to get hot and horny via organization in this week's Go To There!
When Jack's plan to tank NBC hits a snag as the upcoming election provides perfect comedic fodder for TGS in the new Republican VP running mate is a spitting image for Tracy, will Jack be able to stop Liz from mocking his grand ol' party and ruining his plans?
Speaking of Liz: with her new workload, and still trying to have a baby with Criss, she may have finally found a way to make both work for her and produce the best results for everyone. Who knew paperclips could be a turn-on?
Finally, when Jenna's latest songs' residuals are laughable, she seeks out a new demographic when she learns Kenneth's family, specifically his mom Pearline (Catherine O'Hara) and her friend Ron (Bryan Cranston) still buy physical CDs. But Kenneth can no longer deny telling his mother how he feels about Ron, but he soon learns more than he ever expected to about their relationship.
So grab your spreadsheets, crack open that fresh new jewel case, and remember: we can see Alaska from our house! 30 Rock is hot and heavy with planning this week, nerds!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Episode 126: "The Beginning of the End"
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Tuesday Jun 01, 2021
Here we are, dummies, the final season of 30 Rock is finally here, and we're ready to tank this podcast along with it!
Just kidding, we've been doing that since day one, but Jack is aiming to do that the NBC lineup in hopes of selling of Kbaletown's shares and enforcing his future. Will he succeed, and how could God Cop possibly fail?
Meanwhile, Jenna's wedding year is in full effect, and she asks, na,y demands Liz be her maid of honor and predict her every move, as well as plan her bachelorette party. And, naturally, it's the last thing Liz would to do, so can she get out it, or will she feel Jenna's wrath?
FInally, Kenneth and Hazel are dating, and when Kenneth's asks Tracy for advice, he ends up at their place for dinner. But Hazel has other motives and puts Kenneth and Tracy in an awkward position to better her career.
As we're in the final chapter of 30 Rock, we're eager to revisit and re-discover the moments that lead to the finale, so join us every step of the way!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Episode 125: "What Will Happen to the Gang Next Year?"
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Good question episode/podcast title. what WILL happen to the gang next year, but what will happen to this gang this week first?
As Jack and Avery are set to renew their vows, Jack asks Liz to assist in officiating their ceremony, but he also learns Avery and Scott have a secret; both in a communication manner, and relationship.
Meanwhile, Hazel's home life is turned upside-down, and is forced to seek housing elsewhere, and Kenneth extends his apartment to her, but so learns her manipulation will cost him his future.
Additionally, Criss is set on being the "man" in the relationship, and fears Liz will leave him if he cannot prove himself. Can he and Van Der Beek change her mind?
Finally, Tracy's image and reputation has landed him in hot water with the African-American community, and after some words from Dr. Cornel West, seeks to find a role model to inspire him.
We've done it, we've reached the finale of season six, and as busy as this episode and season has been, we're ready to head into the final season of 30 Rock!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Episode 124: "The Return of Avery Jessup"
Tuesday May 18, 2021
Tuesday May 18, 2021
It's an episode of confessions, feminism, and realization as the 30 Rock gang learns a lot in their penultimate season 6 episode.
It's a wondrous day at 30 Rock and for Jack as Avery is finally returned to him from her imprisonment in North Korea! But is there more to Avery and her fellow prisoner sportscaster Scott Scottsman from Scottsdale, or is Jack going to be make something from nothing?
Meanwhile, Liz and Criss ready some renovations for their place, the costs are higher than Liz anticipated, but when she has to weight being the money-maker in the relationship will feminism win out in the end, or can Criss Points help turn the tide?
Finally, as Jenna's planning her wedding, she's doing the not-gauche idea of having a sponsored wedding, but when she has trouble sounding Southern, can Tracy and Kenneth reverse "My Fair Lady" her in time, or will Jenna realize more about herself than any of us knew?
WIth only one episode left this season before our final season begins, will the gang send us off wanting more?
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Episode 123: "Queen of Jordan 2: Mystery of the Phantom Pooper"
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Tuesday May 11, 2021
Welcome to another episode of Queen of Jordan with Curtis and David, continuing our breakdown of every Queen of Jordan episode, with this week's episode: Mystery of the Phantom Pooper.
This week, as Angie is readying her new fashion line, NBC executive Jack Donaghy seems to be interfering in her planning when he's more concerned with his hostage wife returning than her fashion show. Additionally, will Tracy be able to give Angie what she wants to make her night truly memorable, or merely good?
Elsewhere, Lisa Lampanelli(?) is a sub-babysitter for Angie and Tracy's baby Virginia, but when one small verbal flub lands Liz in hot water with the baby, can she rectify the beef and stop being rude?
Finally, TGS co-star, Jenna Maroney is all over this week's events struggling to be a part of the story. Will she get her way, or is too much Maroney a bad thing?
So grab your D'wfan throwing wine, book your flight to Somalia, and head to 30 Rock for a fashion show served with all of Costco's pierogies and Burger King as we Go To There!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Episode 122: "Live From Studio 6H"
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Tuesday May 04, 2021
Anything can happen on live TV, and this week's Go To There analyzes the good, the bad, and the ugly sides of what it has had to offer.
When Jack decided TGS has costs Kabletown too much money being a live show, he plans to convert it a taped presentation, and it's up to Kenneth to save the show. Will his memories of failed live sitcom finales, racially tense live shows, and other sketch programs be enough to sway the cast and crew to stay live, or will the promise of two work weeks a year be too good to pass up?
Additionally, Jenna wants nothing less than to be proposed to on live TV by Paul, but when they try and tell Jenna she's doing it for the wrong reasons, will it convince her ego to step aside for the benefit of their love and relationship?
Just like 30 Rock's previous live episode, there are numerous differences in the different airings (airings that legally impossible to find online) and we do our best to point out and share the differences for the audience. The risk of live TV is arguably rarely worth the reward, but 30 Rock has proved with sharp writing and talent, you can pull it off. Just lose the blackface next time so more viewers can experience it all and the whole idea of losing history by losing it to history because of an outdated minstrel stereotype and racially insensitive themes.
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Episode 121: "Murphy Brown Lied To Us"
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
This week's 30 Rock aims to make you as comfortable as possible, while making you possibly uncomfortable simultaneously.
As Jack is ready to introduce his newest Kabletown undertaking to the masses, he's soon reminded why AMerican workers aren't as highly praised as his 1950s mindset wants him so hard to believe. Can he save his new endeavor, or like all Americans, weasel his way out of it?
Elsewhere, Liz and Criss discover an old box of adoption stuff from Liz's past, and their relationship must cross a bridge they each believe the other isn't sure wants to cross.
Finally, Jenna is spiraling out of control with the latest celebrity fad: public celebrity breakdown. WIll her plan to win Paul work, or is he left in Kouchie's soft arms forever?
Don't worry, we won't ask you to listen on a Kabletown Kouchtown couch, but get comfy, nerds, Go To There is here!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Episode 120: "Meet the Woggles!"
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
It's time to grab your giant ribbon-cutting scissors, as it's time for a new Go To There!
When Kouchtown is officially open for production, Jack's attention is pulled when Colleen (Elaine Stritch) is in town unbeknownst to him for heart surgery. But when Liz is there to try and get them to have their final "talk", will she be able to get them to do so, or will Colleen rather die than talk to Jack?
Elsewhere, Jenna is continuing her sexual walkabout, steadily checking off numerous items, but her most audacious task of bagging a children's entertainer, a non-Aboriginal Australian, AND being the Yoko Ono of the band may lead her to run back to Paul before it's too late.
Finally, Tracy's eldest son, George Foreman, has been accepted to Stanford but Trtacy doesn't think Jordan men are right for college and aims to convince him to drop out and stay with him. Can the entourage and 30 Rock crew convince Tracy otherwise?
In a rare episode where everyone else is the more racist than Liz Lemon, this is a standout episode on 30 Rock's sixth season as we wind down to the finale. So grab your Joey and make sure your walkabout always leads you back home!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Episode 119: "Nothing Left to Lose"
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
Tuesday Apr 13, 2021
It's time, Go To There gang, time for those self-evaluations, and we can only hope in the end you're not the worst person you know; but the at the least the fourth!
As Liz and the TGS crew learn that Tracy lost his sense of smell, she aims to get it back for him. And when it benefits her and the show greatly (mostly because she smells like his long-lost dad) she must decide the moral and ethical decision to do what's right.
Meanwhile, after a prank embarrasses Jenna, she strikes back, to get caught up not only in a prank war, but also the self-effacing decision that she may be the worst person she knows. Can the prank wear help Jenna discover something about her self?
Finally, thanks to the self-evaluations, Jack thinks Pete has stagnated in his position and aims to re-shape in him into a more outstanding man. Unfortunately for Pete his life was fine before Jack's involvement and only gets worse with each new lesson.
As we're nearing the season 6 finale with each episode, we're reaching the end of the series more and more rapidly. These characters have become of the most memorable dummies TV has offered, so stick with us to the end!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Episode 118: "The Shower Principle"
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Tuesday Apr 06, 2021
Worry not, fellow thespians, we shant say the name of the famed Scottish play and put a curse upon thee, so enjoy this week's Go To There!
Liz Lemon is doing her taxes and gets a reality call that says she's been living the same life for the past three years, and vows to make a change for the next 12 months.
As Jack is still feeling unfulfilled at Kabletown, so he invokes the "Shower Principle" to kickstart his brain and figure out his new path for his career and the company. But will his thoughts produce the correct choices for him and Kabletown?
Meanwhile, as Jenna is preparing to perform in a sketch about Shakespeare's Mac-- er, Scottish play, she fears she's curs-ed and doomed after taking on the role. But is Mayor McCheese perhaps responsible for her bad luck... or someone else?
This week's 30 Rock is all about finding your new goal and avoiding murder, y'know, normal everyday realities we all face!
As always, if you'd like to donate for production costs, website hosting, etc, hit up our Ko-Fi link to do so. And, subscribe and rate/review on Apple Podcasts to help us grow even further!